At Nielsen Sports UK we want to ensure that the BLM movement firmly stays as a topic of conversation within the company. This is why we have decided to create a virtual relay fundraiser to raise money for the incredible charity The London Black Women’s Project.
The charity is committed to helping women and children from BAME backgrounds who have suffered from domestic abuse, providing them with resources and a safe space.
From the 21st to the 25th of September employees from Nielsen Sports UK will be taking part in some form of exercise from 9am to 5pm hoping to pass the virtual baton continuously throughout the working week. We are attempting to clock up the miles along the way and hopefully by end of the week maybe even reaching Germany (virtually!).
Any donations to this amazing charity will be massively appreciated by not only us at Nielsen but those who are directly impacted.
To support this initiative, head over to our Virgin Money Giving page and get involved.