Category: News

Commercial Trends in Sports 2018

Apr 26, 2018

We are at a time of unprecedented commercial opportunity in global sports. Barriers to entry have never been lower. More markets around the world than ever before are receptive to the power of sports. It’s never been easier to reach millions - even billions - of fans.

Energised By Sponsorship?

Apr 23, 2018

It is often the case that we follow sponsorship trends by sector such as sports, music, arts, culture and more. Sometimes, however, it is more revealing and relevant to follow trends by the investors themselves the brands.

Slap Shots and Sponsorship: NHL by the Numbers

Apr 23, 2018

The National Hockey League (NHL) had plenty to celebrate in the 2017-18 season, including a 100th birthday and the first expansion team in more than a decade. But the action hasn’t just been fun for players and fans.

Bring on Birmingham 2022

Apr 17, 2018

Not everything went to plan in Australia but the Commonwealth Games took a step forward on the Gold Coast. It provided a high profile competitive opportunity for thousands of athletes, showcased several sports that struggle for media exposure and – for the most part - presented the Gold Coast in a positive light.

The Grand National among the most watched TV events on the planet

Apr 13, 2018

The Grand National, the annual and most infamous horserace event, based on 2017’s sporting calendar, it is the most watched UK sports programme based on the percentage share of viewership it commands during time of airing.

Nielsen Client Scoops Naming Rights Sponsorship Award In The UK

Apr 10, 2018

first direct bank and their sponsorship of the first direct arena, entered by Nielsen Sports, was revealed as the winner of the Naming Rights Sponsorship category at the 24th UK Sponsorship Awards at the London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square on Tuesday, March 26, 2018.

The Tiger Effect: How The Return Of Golf’s Biggest Star Is Affecting The Sport In 2018

Apr 3, 2018

Tiger Woods is one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world, and a favorite contender for the coveted green jacket at the 2018 Masters. Among past and present sports figures in the U.S., Woods ranks third in awareness behind only Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali. In the world of golf, nobody comes close to having the same renown.

Kits And Clicks: How European Football Clubs Are Using Social Media To Boost Sponsor Exposure

Mar 20, 2018

Social media is becoming an increasingly vital part of teams’ and sponsors’ exposure to sports fans around the world. But don’t take our word for it. Just take a look at the importance of social media in European football, which is home to the biggest social media community of players in the world.

Digital Breakfast Briefing: Plan, Activate and Measure

Mar 13, 2018

This morning we welcomed over 30 representatives from the world of sports and entertainment to our exclusive rights holder breakfast learning session. Organisations including the Premier League, Professional Cricketers' Association, AEG, European Tour Productions and the National Theatre joined the workshop which centred on digital strategy aligned to the plan, activate, measure framework created by Nielsen.

U.S. Sports Sponsorship TV Value Grows By More Than $54 Million In 2017

Feb 26, 2018

With more ways to connect to media than ever before, sports still capture our heart strings - and our attention. In fact, the amount of sports content on TV is at a 15-year high, with sports events and shoulder programming (including sports anthologies, commentaries and news) making up 134,000 broadcast hours in 2017.

The 2017 Year in Sports Media U.S. Report

Feb 15, 2018

The 2017 Year in Sports Media report looks at some of the top moments in sports and how what happened this past year could impact the short and long-term futures of sports rights holders, fans and sponsors.

Nielsen Sports, European Agency of the Year

Feb 9, 2018

On Wednesday  7th February, the European Sponsorship Association, held its annual ESA Excellence Awards ceremony at the Science Museum, London. It is with great pride that we can announce Nielsen Sports has won the European Sponsorship Association’s Agency of the Year award.